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What we’re about


UX is the future. This has always been true and even more so in today’s world. The impact and relevance of UX design has a fresh force now, as the region is waking up to its power by upending products, services, and the very nature of competition. So, whatever your title is, if you are passionate about UX, Usability and about improving the quality of it in the region, this event will arm you with forward-thinking UX design skills, Usability concepts, connections, and inspiration.

UX Alive Berlin is a dedicated 2 day event featuring some of the best speakers in the field of user experience, research, usability, marketing, design & technology, from around the globe. Join more than 300 like-minded UX professionals and engage with speakers and attendees on inspirational talks, case studies and live experiences.

Conference Topics: User Experience Design, Storytelling, Information architecture, Usability, User Interface Design, Interaction Design, Content Strategy, Web Psychology, Optimization, Experience Design, Service Design, Experience and Product Marketing.