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Steve Barnett: Hashtag burgergate.

Photo of Theo
Hosted By


Steve Barnett:

Topic: Hashtag burgergate.
This talk is about the hamburger icon: it's bad and we can do better. Steve will be talking about the mystery meat of mobile navigation, why burgers are bad for our users, and what we can do to fix it. There will be a lot of meat metaphors, some terrible stock photography, and at least one picture of Steve looking ridiculous.

About Steve:

Steve is a Londoner who escaped to Cape Town in 2004. He has a background in maths and finance, but these days does Front-end development and User Experience stuff at Praekelt. He’s a bit addicted to meetups: you can find him helping out with RailsBridge Cape Town, Cape Town Front-End Developers, SPIN, and Mozilla Webmaker events. If he’s not there, he’s probably crouched in an awkward position in front of something funny-looking, taking pictures of it.

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UX Masterclass: Cape Town
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60 Hout Street · Cape Town