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2013 Events Survey - UXPALA

From: Marcella M.
Sent on: Thursday, November 22, 2012, 12:20 PM

Hi UXPALA'ers!
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you're all eating lots of turkey, getting excited for BLACK FRIDAY and enjoying your long weekend.

After all the festivities, please take a few (really, just a few) minutes to take our EVENTS SURVEY.

Your UXPALA Board of Directors wants to serve you and bring you the events and resources to all the information, education and networking we can. We want to know what you want, where you want it and in what form you'd like to get it!

Here's the survey:

On behalf of the Board of Directors of UXPALA, thank you for your time and Happy Holidays!

Best Regards,
Marcella Missirian
Executive Director, UXPA of LA
Advisory Board, Cal State Fullerton School of Business and Management, User Experience
Principal | UX Director, Media Mash Inc.
Principal | Creative Director, Marcella Creative, Inc.
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