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2 Free Tickets to Evenings at the Loft for Friday, 11/18!

From: Marcella M.
Sent on: Thursday, November 17, 2016, 1:29 AM

Hi UXPAer's!

The amazing people at Kluge Interactive have generously donated 2 free tickets to this Friday's Loft event. This event is SOLD OUT!

To be eligible for one of the tickets to Evening's at the Loft - Empathy and Design this Friday night and you FOR SURE can make it — Answer this trivia question.

Page parking is a user behavior that refers to:

  1. Opening multiple pages in rapid-fire succession as a way to save the items on those pages and revisit them at a later stage
  2. Opening different sites in different tabs as the user encounters them during the day, as a way to have them available at all times
  3. Bookmarking a page in the browser or in a tool like Evernote or OneNote to be able to remember it later on
  4. Explicitly committing a page to the user’s internal working memory with the purpose of revisiting it at a later stage

Please send your answer to UXPAofLA[at] gmail  com

I'll announce winners on Thursday night - 11/17 - at 9 pm!

Good luck!

Marcella Missirian

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