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50% off - UX Boot Camp for Agile Development at ADP!

From: Marcella M.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 21, 2018, 3:33 PM


UX Boot Camp for Agile Development at ADP is in Pasadena this Friday, February 23, 2018. This is a one-day hands-on course for lean and agile product managers and designers that want to learn how to integrate the right amount of just-in-time UX to meet their business objective and deliver the optimal experience to their customers that create long-term, sustainable revenue growth.

Campers will get a copy of Easy to Use 2.0, a workbook with the presentation and exercises and a certificate for completing the boot camp. Continental breakfast, a light lunch and an afternoon snack is also included.

Use this discount code – ADPUSERZOOM - for 50% off the ticket price! For more information, go to

Speaker: Sean Van Tyne

You can read Sean's latest blog on User Story Maps and Wireframes here:

I'll be attending so I hope to see many of you there!

Marcella Missirian
President UXPALA


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