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Design Language: Speaker Wanted

From: Tech C.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 17, 2019, 3:28 PM

Hi all,

Junior UX Crunch: Design Language

On 7th May we shall have our next Junior UX Crunch and it is going to be themed around Design Language.

By speaking at an event you can promote your design practices and facilitate a direct connection between yourself, companies and designers. It is a fantastic platform to build brand awareness, promote the design practices and business culture and if you are hiring or looking for a role, it can be a great way to meet potential candidates and companies in person.

If you would like to speak please reach out to [address removed] as I would love to hear more.

It would require a 30 minute presentation. The event shall run from 6pm to 9pm and is in Aldgate.

Speak soon!

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