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What we’re about

Love Star Trek? Dream of going into Outer Space? Enjoy reading about cutting edge science and Technology? Enjoy Sci-Fi? This is YOUR group. We are an enthusiastic group of all ages and types. We get together once a week -sometimes to watch a favorite episode from a ST series (on a projector size image), or laugh and watch the Big Bang Theory, talk, eat, shmooze, share a great science discovery. This is about people who share a vision for the best future of humanity, where people of all backgrounds cooperate and respect each other.

Welcome to the USS ASTRAEUS, a chapter of STAR TREK -- THE FLEET

We are a group of STAR TREK FANS focused on Fandom, Costuming and Charity

Our Costume Era of Focus is STAR TREK DISCOVER (the constitution uniforms)

Upcoming events (2)

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