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Two Great Last Minute Events and Clarification RE: the Urban Permaculture Workshop

From: Lisa G.
Sent on: Monday, August 17, 2009, 1:13 PM
Hi everyone. This is very last minute, but I just posted two great Urban Homesteaders' events for tomorrow night. Here's the info:

Bike repair workshop sponsored by Ace Wheelworks and Somerville Climate Action
Tues, August 18th
The Growing Center, Union Sq

Urban Gardens Tour in Cambridgeport Sponsored by Greenport
Tues, August 18th

I also want to clarify the rsvp situation for the two day urban permaculture workshop in September. This is a very special event organized by UH and Northshore Permaculture and we're doing all the rsvp's on an Eventsbot page instead of on the UH Meetup site. So when you see on the Meetup site that only one person has rsvp-ed and that the workshop is full, that's not correct. I've pasted the description below. This is a great opportunity to do this workshop at half the normal price with a really great teacher.

There's still room. This is where you sign up here:

I hope everyone's enjoying these summer days!


Urban Permaculture with Andrew Faust
Regenerating Urban Centers: Bringing in Nature

Sponsored by Urban Homesteaders and North Shore Permaculture

Saturday, September 12 and Sunday, September 13th
Democracy Center in Harvard Square, Cambridge
10am--5pm (with a break for lunch)
$75 before August 23rd, $85 after.

To register, visit:
Questions? Contact Lisa Gross: Lisa.Gross<at>

Ecological Ways to bring clean air, water and healthy soil back into city centers and urban landscapes. Healing the city and healing ourselves.

This workshop will focus on providing individuals with practical tools for creating positive social change, inner-city gardening techniques, indoor and apartment gardening, making fermented foods, whole foods, Living Machines and natural wastewater treatment, biogas generators, ecological niche market and value added business ideas, passive integrated water systems, rain gardens that alleviate flooding while addressing sewage treatment plant overflows and clean water, living roofs, rooftop gardens and regional energy systems.

Andrew Faust, founder of The Center for Bioregional Living, has been teaching ecological design and Permaculture for over 17 years. Nearly two years ago he moved to NYC, after homesteading off the grid for 8 years in rural W.V., and hit the ground running teaching numerous classes, speaking on various panels, designing edible gardens, consulting urban and rural clients and volunteering in his local community garden. He is currently working on creating ecological training centers in North America and abroad and inspiring the next wave of students in his 4th full Permaculture Design Certification in NYC. Andrew has taught the PDC course over 13 times since 2003 at Yestermorrow Design/Build school in Warren,VT. For more info, visit: For more info, visit:

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