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New Meetup: Track Arts & Arcs..... The Green Line Tour

From: Chris J.
Sent on: Saturday, January 24, 2009, 10:40 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Urban Adventures!

What: Track Arts & Arcs..... The Green Line Tour

When: February 21,[masked]:30 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: An art and architecture tour at a place where you least expect it...

The Metro Green Line is a light rail line in Los Angeles County that connects the cities of Manhattan Beach, El Segundo, Hawthorne, Lynwood, South Gate, Los Angeles and Norwalk. It operates mostly in the median of the Century Freeway (Interstate 105). The western portion of the line runs on elevated rail.

It offers access to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) via a free shuttle bus from Aviation station.

Like our previous two events, we will meet up with official Metro Tour Guides who will fill us in on the history behind the Green Line and the art at each stop. If there is a large enough turnout we will break into two groups.

We will be stopping for lunch at a location TBD.

I set the arrival time early so everyone has time to make it to the Imperial/Wilmington Metro Station. We will leave the station promptly at 10:00AM !!! Please plan your commute accordingly.
There is a parking lot there so you can drive if you wish or park at another metro station close to you.
In addition, if time permits we will try to make extended stops at some of the POI's (Points of Interests) within walking of some of the stations.

Special thanks to Photo Larry for your assistance!


Learn more here: