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Food Hiro Vlogs invade UA

From: UrbanAdventures
Sent on: Tuesday, March 16, 2010, 10:52 AM
Howdy fellow Adventurers!

Everyone who knows Hiroshi, one of UA's organizers, knows that he is a walking food encyclopedia, and knows where there is a good place to eat, no matter what part of town you are in. Whether it be cheap eats, fun dives, ethnic hole in the walls, or fancy schmancy grub, Hiroshi knows where to go. He's one hell of a karaoke'er too.

Given that, with the help of his good friend Craig Futura, Hiroshi has been taping Food Hiro Vlogs as a fun way to share good locations and also share his knowledge of the food.

Meetup has recently added the ability to link one video to our main page, so we have decided to support our own and feature the Food Hiro vlogs right here. The Food Hiro vlogs are now up to episode 10 or so and we will cycle the episodes here periodically. We also hope to cycle UA event related video's down the line, as the content becomes available.

To check out the currently featured Food Hiro episode (actually, more a teaser from the full episode), visit our main page. Scroll down to the bottom and on the right hand side, under the picture module is the new video module. Press play and be enlightened.

To see all of the current Food Hiro episodes, join the "Fans of Hiroshi Ishikawa - Your Food Hiro" facebook group.

Have any cool UA related videos you'd like to share? Please email the links to this account. Meetup accepts embed code from YouTube, Google Video, Vimeo, Flickr, Ustream and Livestream.

Hope to see all of you on an adventure soon,

Urban Adventures