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QACC Happenings

From: Lisa L.
Sent on: Monday, May 21, 2018, 2:09 PM

Spring is here and it's time to dig out your camera and start making photographs.

PHOTOWALK this Wednesday, May 23 at Edgewater Greenhouses (just south of Home Depot).  The photowalk starts at 5:30 but Lisa will be there earlier (around 5) if you want to come earlier.   You can come anytime between 5:30-7:30 - whatever works with your schedule.  Most of the greenhouses will be open for flower photography and there is plenty to photograph outside as well.  More details on the website.  Please RSVP.  Lisa will be there to answer questions and help with flower photography.

WEEKLY ASSIGNMENTS - I have started to add in assignments again. Meetup doesn't like us to have where we don't actually meet as a group so they will be limited but I will try to put up as many as I can (without them getting upset)  They are fun to do and are a great way to improve your photography.  Check it out on the website.

JUNE Monthly Meeting - Lisa will talk about photographing birds (and animals)

Yearly Dues - check your home page and look at the left panel.  there is a little box that says Member Dues - please click on that to pay your yearly dues.  Most members paid last year in May or June so please find out when you last paid and make a note of it so that your dues come in on time.   Thank you.