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What we’re about

We are now open for hybrid in-person & virtual meetups. See the event page for details on the location.

The Vancouver Rust Meetup group is a group of programmers who are currently or interested in using Rust for personal or professional projects.
We meet once a month for studying or talking about the language and its ecosystem. We do our best to start every meetup with a presentation on a specific topic that usually motivates passionate conversations.

Some of our members use Rust in production but it's also a great place for less experienced Rustaceans. All that matters is that we learn together.
As a community, we adhere to the Rust Code of Conduct.

Call For Participation
Are you interested in presenting at the meetup? Do you want to share an interesting talk or show off a cool Rust project? If so, then come and present here at the Vancouver Rust meetups!

Here is what you will need to know if you want to present.

Past Presentations
• Old repo
• Current repo
YouTube Channel

Rust Learning Resources
• The Rust Book
New Rustacean (Podcast)
Rust Learning Resources (Github Repo)
intermezzOS (Kernel Development with Rust)
• RustFmt (format your code to Rust standard)
• SublimeRust (Sublime plugin for Rust)
• Daniel's Rust guide


Improving Vancouver

Upcoming events (4+)

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