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New Meetup: Turn Your Dating Life from Flop to Fabulous!

From: Tatiana
Sent on: Wednesday, November 17, 2010, 3:46 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Vancouver Single Professionals!

What: Turn Your Dating Life from Flop to Fabulous

When: Thursday, November 25,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Serai Social Club
1660 Cypress Street
Vancouver, BC V6J 5J1

It?s not easy to find great dates in Vancouver! We are busy, and the competition feels enormous. It would be easy to give up IF we didn?t have a dream for ourselves of sharing a loving life with a partner and perhaps a family.

How can you stop wasting time and actually find a great partner; someone you can play with and depend on with your most valued trust?

Join our November meeting at Serai and learn how to optimize your search and bring spice and enjoyment into your dating life. You will also have a chance to practice your learned skills as we mingle after the presentation. Come prepared to have fun!

And the guest speaker at our event is none else but me, Tatiana Antopova, Vancouver?s Dating & Relationship coach, and the owner of Charisma Matters.

Through individual coaching, workshops and seminars I help people to Find Themselves and then Find the One.

Meeting schedule:
7pm ? 7.30pm Socializing, food, drinks
7.30pm ? 8pm Interactive presentation
8pm ? 10pm Socializing, networking

Bring your business cards (if you have one), make friends and mingle. Meet other sophisticated, intelligent like-minded businesspersons who are single and open to new meetings. It?s a fairly quiet atmosphere, which is good for chatting.

See you there,

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