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Re: [Vegan-Baking] Plant consumption - how much is too much?

From: Morgan
Sent on: Saturday, December 18, 2010, 9:59 AM
The alternative is to eat vegan! Animal products consume more plants/land by far than plant foods. I believe the ratio is on the order of 20x the land to produce the plants that go into a typical meat-and-vegetables diet vs. a vegetarian diet. But don't quote me--I'd like to seek recent, well-sourced data.

Livestock eat most of the plants--people are consuming the plants indirectly. (I think it's amazing that the article fails to note that. They mention the. US-vs-Asia difference, even, but never follow the thought.)

interactive design and games

On Dec 18, 2010, at 9:16 AM, Marni Tiborsky <[address removed]> wrote:

> Interesting article I thought I'd share:
> https://www.scienc...­
> Are we doing more harm to the Earth? What are alternatives?
> -- 
> Marni
> --------------------­--------------------­--------------------­--------------------­--------------------­-------------
> Save the Earth by composting, recycling, reusing, and making your own
> products! It's easy and fun to make your own cleaners, laundry detergent,
> air fresheners, shampoos, soaps and other items! Buy more hemp and bamboo,
> buy sustainable materials for your home, purchase energy-efficient
> appliances, go vegetarian or try to cut way down on your meat intake, stay
> away from a lot of dairy products, grow your own vegetable garden, buy from
> local farmers, read labels - don't buy foods with high fructose corn syrup
> or corn derivatives - steer clear of soy, plant trees, organi-fy your life!
> --
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> This message was sent by Marni Tiborsky ([address removed]) from Vegan Baking and Cooking.
> To learn more about Marni Tiborsky, visit his/her member profile: https://www.meetup...­
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