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New Meetup: First Mondays January Meetup

From: Rina T.
Sent on: Monday, December 28, 2009, 7:00 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Vegas Business Networking!

What: First Mondays January Meetup

When: January 4,[masked]:00 PM

Gordon Biersch
750 S Rampart Blvd Suite 16
Las Vegas, NV 89145

We have a new sponsor for the next 3 months! There will be no $2 charge collected this night, but as we are meeting at a restaurant, please order a drink or appetizer to support the venue.

Thanks Lawrence for setting this up!

Our main goal is for a significant attendance, to introduce ourselves and our businesses, get to know each other and have a great time networking. Please comment about some things you'd like to discuss on this night.

I hope you'll all participate and support this group as we grow together.

Please take a moment if you have a future meetup idea to post it (look for the ideas tab on the calendar).
I'm looking for suggestions to make our meetups more fun and productive; I'm also open to meetup ideas, themes, activities.

Please share your suggestions on the message board.


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