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Re: [vietnamese-87] Changes to Vietnamese Meetup + Call for Volunteers

From: Chau N.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 19, 2008, 5:44 PM
Dear Friends,
On behalf of the UK Vietnamese Network, I would like to invite you to our quarterly meeting and Christmas party.
Time: from 3pm onwards (till 8pm) on 3rd December 2009.
Venue: Thomas Calton Centre, Alpha Street, London, SE15 4NX, Tel[masked]
Of course, Vietnamese food will be served. And practice your Vietnamese language with native speakers as well. Why not?

In the event, we also have feature guest speakers from other Southeast Asian communities to present their works and communities, such as Filipinos, Thai, Vietnamese in Manchester, Chinese...

Your presence would be valuable to our Network, who strive to engage with second generation and young people of Viet ethnic. Notice a gap for Vietnamese second generation? Want to do something for Vietnamese community in the UK? Come and share your ideas, time and support to us.

For catering purpose, please kindly reply to me if you are attending our events and your special diet (if have). My email is [address removed] . Tel[masked].

I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,
Chau Nguyen
Chair of the UK Vietnamese Network
On 07/05/2008, Jessica <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi All

New Meetup Content
In case you haven't noticed, I changed some of the content of our group in the Files section, and the About Us section. In the Files section you can now find some general info about living in the UK/London. This is primarily aimed at new members who may ask about info. Send them there. In the About Us, I added some online language learning resources and cooking websites. This is for those who want some help learning about Vietnamese stuff.

If anyone has files that you think will be of interest to other members, either go ahead and upload them or contact me.

Volunteers Wanted!
Some of you may know, Chau, Hoi and I are involved with the Vietnamese Network, a group of voluntary organisations and interested people that work to promote Vietnamese culture. Currently we are trying to plan an event for young Vietnamese (16-19) from around the UK. We're really in the initial stages - at the moment we're trying to come up with a day programme. If you are interested in more information/helping/planning/volunteering/adding your two cents please contact us! So far the planning group is small and we need all the help we can get - especially those experienced in youth facilitation/youth work.

Also, Chau and I were thinking about setting up a Meetup outing to one of the supplementary Vietnamese language schools for children. We thought that it may be fun to go for a visit, but also that it may help the young ones see the benefits of sticking with the language. I have a feeling there will also be food there. Who knows, maybe even get a free lesson!

Two more reminders...
The meetup is scheduled for this coming Monday 12 May

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This message was sent by Jessica ([address removed]) from The London Vietnamese Language Meetup Group.
To learn more about Jessica , visit his/her member profile
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632 Broadway New York NY 10012 USA

Chau Nguyen
