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Upcoming November 17 Vietnamese Meet -up!!

From: Jessica
Sent on: Friday, November 14, 2008, 2:30 PM
Hi All and welcome to all new members that have not been welcomed!

Just a little note as a reminder that the next meetup is this coming Monday. At the moment Trinh is the only one attending - so if you plan to go, please RSVP and let Trinh know she won't be mot minh!

For music lovers out there, I've found this comprehensive website of Vietnamese music.

And in other news, 'they' say that a person generally has three career changes in their lifetime. In the spirit of the meetup and self-reinvention, read about Meyung Robson, Ex-beauty queen, FBI agent and now restauranteur!

See you next time,

Jessica, on behalf of the London Vietnamese Meetup!