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Viking Ski Club - Trip Update

From: Rick S.
Sent on: Sunday, October 21, 2012, 12:50 PM
We have 22 Vikings going on the trip to Park City. We STILL have openings and but we also soon have to release the unsold Delta round trip seats out of South Bend. So if you are considering joining us. Email me and I can send you the complete trip information. The time to act is now as because - next week the Delta seats will be opened up to the general public.  The demographics of our sign-up is as noted:
7 Couples
1 Single Female
8 Single traveling males

For the Vikings going- here is some interestesting info.  FYI:
The Park City resorts were recently rated Deer Valley #2, Park City #4 and the Canyons #10.  Not bad, 3 out of the top ten ski resorts in North America are inlcuded  in one Viking trip...

Also.......Outpost has a pre-season tune up special going on this month -$30 for a wax and sharpen.  A great price and time to get ready for Winter.

The cost of the trip is as noted:

Trip with round-trip from South Bend, Airport transfers in Utah, room, 5 days of skiing - 3 at Park City, 1 at Deer Valley and 1 at Canyons.      $[masked]
Trip cost can be reduced by:
		Air Fare is    $[masked]
         Lift Tickets   $[masked]

The trip cost break is:
        Air fare     $[masked]
        Lifts:          $[masked]
        Room:      $[masked]
        Transfer   $   32.00
        Bell Tip    $    20.00

Trip dates: Feb 23-Mar 2, 2013. 

For those going.....I will be finalizing some side events in the coming weeks.  I will work to make this trip to build on the legacy of the great trips that precedes this one.  I will also be putting together some information packets and data to brief you on Park City things to do, public Transit info, info on the three resorts including trail maps, and other data.

For those wanting to go:
Call me at[masked] and I will hold air seats for you. I will also email or mail the sign-up sheets to you. My contact info is listed below:

Rick Stasyshan - Board member and Winter Chair
Phone#: [masked]
email:      [address removed]