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New Meetup: Kevin and Annmarie Gianni: Overcoming Plant-Based Diet Pitfalls

From: Brion
Sent on: Thursday, June 4, 2009, 1:51 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Viva La Vegan PORTLAND - Metro!

What: Kevin and Annmarie Gianni: Overcoming Plant-Based Diet Pitfalls

When: June 18,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $10.00 per person

In this 2-hour presentation, Kevin and Annmarie Gianni discuss tooth decay, body acidity, low weight, low energy, and more (more information to follow).

Kevin Gianni is a health advocate, author, interviewer, and film consultant who has helped thousands of people from over 85 countries reach a level of health and fitness they never thought was possible, through his programs and online seminars. Kevin is the founder and host of The Renegade Health Show, one of the fastest growing internet health shows available. The creator and author of The Busy Person's Fitness Solution, Kevin's techniques are embraced by busy people because they are simple, easy-to-use, and guaranteed to get results in just a few days. His expertise includes exercise, energy techniques, nutrition, paradigm shifting, and stress relief.

Annmarie Gianni is a certified athletic trainer, massage therapist, and author and owns a successful personal training fitness business. She teaches others optimum health by being her own testimonial, always learning and growing as she puts the techniques and philosophies that she has learned into practice through one-on-one and group fitness sessions.

Kevin and Annmarie produced the 2008 Rawkathon, an online collection of interviews of fifteen raw and living foods luminaries, and have produced numerous audio and video courses on optimal health. You can watch them on The Renegade Health Show, and get access to their articles and coaching on

Join Kevin and Annmarie in their 2009 raw tour of the country! The event fee is $10/person at the door. If you wish to pay with a credit card or Paypal, please visit

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