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Meetup details changed: Kevin and Annmarie Gianni: Overcoming Plant-Based Diet Pitfalls

From: Brion
Sent on: Friday, June 5, 2009, 9:29 PM
Updated seminar information:

In this 1.5 hour seminar followed by Q&A, Kevin Gianni will share solutions to the most common plant-based diet pitfalls that he gets asked on his show and at his seminars across the country. If you are concerned about or struggle with Tooth Decay, Body Acidity, Low Weight, Low Energy or Binging and Cravings, or have concerns about getting the right proteins and nutrients, then this seminar is for you! Kevin Gianni is the author of the newly released High Raw: A Simple Approach to Health, Eating and Saving the Planet.

Kevin Gianni is the host of The Renegade Health Show -- a fun and informative daily health show that is changing the perception of health across the world. He is an internationally known author, a passionate and dedicated natural health and raw foods advocate, a top-notch independent media producer and interviewer, a motivational speaker and a mission-driven business coach. He has helped thousands of people in over 21 countries though his online tele-seminars about abundance, optimum health and longevity. He is the author of High Raw: A Simple Approach to Health, Eating and Saving the Planet, and the creator and co-author of The Busy Person's Fitness Solution. He created with business partner Mike Adams, and created the widely viewed Rawkathon interview series with leading experts in the raw foods movement. Kevin and his wife and co-host Annmarie Gianni are currently travelling in a vegetable-fueled R.V. documenting the culture of natural health in the U.S. and sharing invaluable information and footage as they travel. To see where they are and who they are interviewing, log on to:

Join Kevin and Annmarie in their 2009 raw tour of the country! The event fee is $10 cash at the door. If you wish to pay with a credit card or Paypal, please visit

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