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Say thanks to Northwest VEG on May 16th!

From: deanna
Sent on: Thursday, May 1, 2014, 11:55 AM

Hi there! Welcome to our newest members! We are now at 1,056 total members which is so great!

As you have probably seen, Northwest VEG is having a 10th Anniversary Celebration at Oaks Park on May 16th. If you aren't aware, Northwest VEG sponsors this meetup group- paying the annual fee ($144/yr)- so our members (you) don't have to worry about covering those costs.

Northwest VEG also has a ton of events, and most of the past 906 events we have hosted as a group has been because of their involvement in the community. Attending their anniversary celebration would be a great way to say "Thanks for everything! We're glad you're here!".

If you are planning to attend the anniversary, it would be great if you registered as soon as possible since they are working with a caterer and the venue for seating etc.

The anniversary event is also on facebook, so help them spread the word by sharing it with your Portland area friends, especially if they are already fans of Northwest VEG.

Let me know if you have any questions about this event. Oh and if you own a business, or provide a service they are still looking for a few more raffle items.

Thanks so much for being a great group! I look forward to seeing you soon!

- Deanna

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