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New Meetup: Portland Nursery's 21st Annual APPLE TASTING

From: Cru
Sent on: Sunday, September 6, 2009, 4:35 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Viva La Vegan PORTLAND - Metro!

What: Portland Nursery's 21st Annual APPLE TASTING

When: October 11,[masked]:45 AM

Portland Nursery, Stark Location
5050 SE Stark St
Portland, OR 97214

Apple (& Pear!) Tasting at Portland Nursery

This is a fun event with many different apples to sample that can't be found at the grocery stores or even most farmers markets (did you know until recently there were over 6,000 varieties of apples in the UK and over 10,000 in the US?).

We can get together at the nursery at Noon or perhaps meet up earlier at Sweetpea Baking Co for some Sunday Brunch as only they can do it (all vegan; $10 all-you-can-eat), or perhaps the Red & Black Cafe around the corner; then maybe hit up Food Fight to refresh our vegan marshmallow stash or Herbivore for holiday ideas? -- please indicate in the RSVP if that's something you'd like to do.

Join us in 2009 for the 21st Annual Apple Tasting Event

Portland Nursery
5050 SE Stark St
Portland, OR 97215

Friday-Sunday October 9, 10,[masked]
Friday-Sunday October 16, 17, 18, 2009

Every year bring in the holiday spirit, turn on the music, and bring out the holiday cookies. Special children's area with toys and decorations to delight all ages. Our open house is your first chance to see our stores decorated for the season.

Here's the write-up on last year's event:

Whew! Just when we thought Apple Tasting couldn?t get any bigger and better?..not one, but two weekends of glorious autumn sunshine, and you all came out to celebrate with us! Wasn?t it great?

Sixty-one varieties of apples and pears to taste ? we had to add another table to the tasting lines ? and this year there were three tasting lines to help make sure everyone got to sample some of the best apples and pears this region has to offer.

Clowns, jugglers, face-painting, crafts and storytelling ? there was something for kids of all ages who visited us during those two weeks.

Local chefs and the Hungry Gardener brought us more delicious ideas and recipes in their cooking demos.

But we couldn?t have made it such a success without you!
  • You brought us a dozen fantastic and original scarecrows.
  • You waited patiently for the last box of Honey Crisp apples to be wheeled out on Sunday morning and didn?t push or shove each other to get some of this year?s Most Sought-After Apple.
  • You danced and tapped your feet and enjoyed the wide array of music we?ve come to be known for ? and helped us say farewell to what has been the cornerstone band of our event, Great Northern Planes.
  • You contributed an abundance of cans of food to Portland Impact and have helped to make a difference to our neighbors in need.

And on a personal note: After the last weekend of the event the cashiers brought me a couple envelopes containing cash? change from purchases ? that generous customers asked be contributed to Portland Impact. In the seventeen Apple Tasting events I have been a part of this is the first time this has happened. It didn?t amount to a vast amount of money, but that?s not the point; this year?s apple tasting came at a time of incredible economic upheaval and uncertainty, and yet this was the year that people made the added gesture to take care of those in greater need than themselves.

Thank you for helping to keep alive the community spirit of the event.

Learn more here: