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Re: [WP-Omaha] WP Omaha Meetup tonight & Wordcamp Omaha Update

From: Pat D.
Sent on: Thursday, August 10, 2017, 3:57 PM
Hi Rob,  I won't be able to make it tonight, but I'm very interested in development.


Pat Dougherty

On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 10:44 AM, Rob Ruiz <[address removed]> wrote:

Hello WP Omaha Members,

1). We got a dev meetup tonight. I understand many of our members are not interested in learning what happens under the hood and how to add additional functionality to Wordpress using code. However, I must encourage anyone that build Wordpress sites for clients to attend the meetup tonight and future Dev meetups. Development is how we change what is possible with Wordpress. There is a lot you can do with Wordpress that you might not be aware of. Don't be afraid to come learn some code, it only makes you more powerful with Wordpress. Knowing what is possible is empowering. Also, if you are looking for a Wordpress developer to do some work for you, there is no better meetup to find one than at the dev ones.

2). To those who plan on attending the meetup tonight, be prepared to get in to some really cool stuff. If you RSVP'd, but can't make it, please adjust your RSVP accordingly. If you are looking for free parking, go around behind the building and park up on the top floor of the parking structure. Remember, this is a BYOB talk - drink responsibly.

3). Today is literally the last day to get your tickets for Wordcamp Omaha and be guaranteed a Wordcamp Omaha T-shirt.

Any tickets purchased after today, you may or may not get a t-shirt. We are ordering some extra, but it's first come first serve on those. If you are curious how this year's event is lining's going to be epic. We have a full roster of speakers (more than any previous year), a full roster of sponsors (this means we are well funded this year), and an amazing new venue. Also, again, the after-party will be in the private room at Beercade in Benson where all of the games will be free to play (and likely a free drink or two thanks to our sponsors). This will no doubt be the best Wordcamp to date. It's an exciting time.
Get your tickets now!

4). We are now looking for volunteers for Wordcamp Omaha. If you want to attend for free, you can work your way in. If you are interested in volunteering for the event, please shoot an email to [address removed] with your, full name, phone number, and email address. We will contact you and get you all set up.

5). We are in the final stages of re-branding this group. Look forward to a fresh look to accompany our new website. Big things are on the horizon.

Thanks for reading and being a part of our community.

Rob Ruiz


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Pat Dougherty
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