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RE: Rocky Gap this Sunday (moderate)

From: Mike
Sent on: Wednesday, February 20, 2013, 3:43 PM

Oops, that should be Shady Grove Metro, not Grosvenor whatsis.

I rarelly make mitsakes.


From: Darzi, Michael
Sent: Wednesday, February 20,[masked]:15 PM
To: '[address removed]'
Subject: Rocky Gap this Sunday (moderate)




OK, I just put this one up. The weather looks good for Sunday (Feb 24), so I thought I’d sneak in a nice hike. (Read my blog at whataguy [one word] dot andsogoodlookingtoo [one word] dot butwhatsupwiththatnose dot com.)


We’re heading west to Rocky Gap State Park, one of Maryland’s most beautiful parks, for some neat winter hiking—when leaves and people are at a minimum. We’ll get fabulous valley (Pleasant Valley), mountain (Martin Mountain), canyon (Rocky Gap), and lake (Lake Habeeb) views, and visit historic sites (Evitt’s homesite, Mason-Dixon marker). Our hike will be 7-9 miles (depending) with about 3000 feet of elevation change (moderate at 3 blisters) on otherwise easy trails.



To carpool, meet at 9:30 am at the Grosvenor-Strathmore Metro Kiss & Ride (east side, where the garages are; Bring a couple of quarts of water and a bag lunch. For the lucky ones that choose to do so, we’ll have an early dinner at a Frederick microbrewery (Brewer’s Alley, on the way back.


Our weather on the last hike was on the chili…sorry, chilly side, but that didn’t stop the fun:




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