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CapClave Night Two Dinner Reminder

From: user 5.
Sent on: Saturday, October 23, 2010, 12:43 AM
Greetings All:

Quick reminder. Tomorrow is our second CapClave Dinner Out. A couple of notes:

1. CapClave is a Science Fiction convention run by WSFA. It runs all weekend from Friday around 4:00 PM to Sunday afternoon 4:00 PM. There are workshops, Programming, and a Dealers Room... Oh, and alot of Books. This is a reader convention.

2. We plan to go to Fuddruckers Restaurant again on Saturday. Dinner should last an hour or two.

3. We will meet in the hotel lobby near the front door. Con goers will have CapClave badges on.

Hope to see you tomorrow night.

John Madigan
WSFA Meetup Organizer

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