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March RPGala Saturday

From: user 2.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 17, 2009, 11:46 PM
Below are the list of games for this month. It is highly likely a 7th game will be added, either D&D 3.5 or Call of Cthulhu I believe. For those who are new and those who forgot, adjust your RSVP as follows: List your top 3 choices for games you would like to play (there are no reserved spots) and then list FOOD:YES or FOOD:NO. Food is 2 dollars and consists of a sandwich and a soda from Potbelly Sandwich Works. If you are vegetarian like Aaron and me, please say so in your RSVP. Food is 2 dollars. NO LARGE BILLS AND EXACT CHANGE IS APPRECIATED!

Unfortunately due to financial concerns and the fact I was somehow left out of our glorious sure fire bailout plan, this month is the last month I will be able to subsidize the food. Starting next month the cost goes up to $5.00 each.

There are only a few spots left! RSVP Here:
March RPGala

And remember, no shows will be hunted down by Hounds of Tindalos and have their brains placed in Mi-Go brain cases! If you don't know what that means, don't find out! If you RSVP yes, be there. If something comes up and you can't make it, just switch your RSVP to 'No', big dummy! It's for your health!

SAVAGE WORLDS 50 Fathoms/GM-Dave/Type-One Shot/6 Players
Savage Worlds is Fast, Furious and Fun! It's a simple and flexible system perfect for pick-up games. If you've always wanted to learn Savage Worlds, come join us for this pirate adventure in a fantasy setting. 50 Fathoms is a fantastic and mysterious place where seafarers from our own Earth join forces with local inhabitants to battle a deadly curse that is slowly drowning the planet of Caribdus. We'll be honoring Savage Worlds' strengths by playing with miniatures, but this time I'll switch things up and use Lego minifigures. Be sure to bring a sense of humour and be ready to say 'Arr!', 'Avast!', and other silly pirate expressions. This is an introductory scenario, so no knowledge of Savage Worlds or 50 Fathoms is required-- we'll teach you as we go. On the other side of the ship, though, experienced players are more than welcome to join in and help out!. See you there, mateys!

D&D 3.5/GM-Billy/Type-One Shot/Up to 8 Players
Werewolves are raiding the small frontier community of Tiryns. The motive behind the lycan attacks remains a mystery and all the townsfolk know is the raids are growing in intensity. Worse, the full moon is in two nights and the PCs are asked or contracted (However the group wants to play) by the local exarchs to track the werewolves back to their lair, deal with them, and rescue any townsfolk the lycans have taken prisoner.

GURPS Fantasy/GM-Brian/Type-One Shot/6 Players
Goblin Madness - Reloaded!

Our brave group of adventurers has recaptured the holy artifact. After being chased through the caves by goblin hordes, they arrive back at the town of Lowton Keep. If only there wasn't hordes of goblin warriors on their trail. Rejoin this brave fellowship in their holy quest! Save the artifact! Save the town! Kill LOTS of goblins!

This is a GURPS 4.0 game that has been run intermittently at RPGala (and 4 times at GENCON). You do not need deep familiarity with the rules, as I will be teaching it while running the game. I have pregens as well. While there have been many Goblin Madness games, each is independent of the other, so be brave and step into the breech! Prepare for gaming, killing goblins, and a few laughs!

THE MATRIX (fudge system)/GM-Ben/Type-One Shot/6 Players
Enter the Matrix in a struggle to free humanity from the tyrannical chains of machine control. Become part of an elite team of hackers who have unlocked deep and powerful new secrets in the Matrix. Their story will put them in the face of danger as they confront the Architect's new breed of Agents.

Quick and easy character design makes this game easy for everyone and fast to get straight into the story.

DEADLANDS/GM-Joe G/Type-One Shot/6 Players
Sometimes places can be just plain bad, just like people. The last thing you would ever want to do is build a town in such a place, right? Too bad no one explained this to the founders of Eylasion, Oklahoma (Hell, the damned fools couldn't even spell it proper!). The town has a long history of tradegic accidents, violence, and just plain human stupidity. Right now, the good towns-people are getting ready to celebrate the one year anniversity of a "victory" over a local Indian tribe, all while a range-war is brewing between local cattleman and homesteaders, with a corrupt sherriff playing off both sides. Thrown in a curse to raise the very forces of Hell and you got the makings of a good evenings festivities! Are you'll in the mood for a party, 'cause you'll invited. The Devil's Dance is an adventure using Classic Deadlands.

FABLES/GM-Will/Type-One Shot/6 Players
Did you ever feel as if your gamemaster was trying to shove you in a box? Do you feel as if creativity is sometimes penalized when it should be rewarded?

If so, you might enjoy a rules-lite, story-heavy, character-driven game inspired by the best FUDGE and Spirit of the Century. In this game, players will be presented with a baseline scenario and then players will be asked to supply a few simple story elements. Only the GM will know these story elements and he will make every effort to work them into the game. Dream up something wild!

You'll be able to go any direction you want and do anything you want. I can guarantee that the game will not require you to read or learn a new set of rules. The game will involve simple mechanics and easy to understand concepts. The game will hinge on your ability to overcome the odds using your character's unique abilities and strengths. Will is leaning toward a straight up Fantasy game this month.