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March 21 - WTM in Less Than 3 Weeks!!

From: user 1.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 1, 2017, 5:35 AM


RSVP to WTM on Tuesday, March 21 at KOI Creative Space in White Plains. Let's get students, founders, technologists, developers, designers, creatives, advisors, mentors, investors, executives, and others in the same room to build a community.


Four startups will demo their solution + tell their story. Some are in idea phase, while others are in product development, while others are pre-revenue or seed-stage in their ventures.



Made in Westchester, an online platform to support local economic and community growth by connecting people through technology.

ParentNationthe one-stop shop for reviews and ratings of local kids' services and activities.

RGE Corporation, a solution for electric independence.

Chronicle, a collaborative storytelling platform that empowers users with shared experiences and interests to collectively record and share their stories over time.



Also, save Tuesday, April 25 and Tuesday, May 23 on your calendars. We are finalizing details to have Lyft present on the importance of business communities, and IBM Watson to present on AI and data analytics. Local startups will demo their solutions, in alignment with the focus of each session.


Never hesitate to reach out to me with questions, thoughts, feedback, etc.


Cheers, Dan

[address removed]

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