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Westchester Startupalooza Tonight 3-9PM at KOI

From: user 1.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 24, 2017, 9:25 AM

Thanks for joining us last night for the May WTM. We had solid presentations and demos all around.

Cheers to Bruce Weed from IBM Watson, Julie and Dennis Roche from Burbio, Gary German from Nonnatech, and Paisley Demby from Goldman Sachs' 10,000 Small Businesses at LaGuardia Community College. If you are interested in demo'ing at a WTM event, please email me at [address removed].

Many thanks to our sponsor, Verna Law, for helping us cover food, drinks, and the space for the event. If you are interested in sponsoring, or know someone who wants to sponsor, please email me at [address removed].

RSVP now to attend the June WTM, with a presentation from Buzzfeed and demos from three area startups, including, BreatheAware, and True Studio.

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JOIN US TODAY FOR WESTCHESTER'S FIRST MAJOR PITCH EVENT, STARTUPALOOZA. RSVP now to attend and get involved in building our tech ecosystem.


What makes Startupalooza different from almost every other pitching event is that we are open to all comers. We don't curate, discriminate or overcharge. We provide a low-cost venue, regular free training and let our investors and strategists take care of the rest.


Now with more Investors than ever! Startups get to pitch to a team of investors and strategists, while the audience gets to find out what's new in the startup market and what VC's are really looking for in founders and products.


See you this afternoon or tonight.

Cheers, Dan [address removed]

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