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What we’re about

This group is dedicated to bringing together Information Technology professionals in the Williamson County, TN area. Our goal is to have monthly meetings to network, socialize and have thoughtful discussions about technology in our professional and personal lives. We'd like to reach out to anybody in the IT field that lives, works or plays in the Williamson County area. We are looking to expand our reach so please recommend our group to friends or colleagues in the IT industry.

If you are interested in presenting or speaking at one of our events then shoot us a message. We are aiming to give presenters exposure and traction to a tech-savvy public, as well as potential clients, employers, and employees. We'd also like to encourage community-building among local tech practitioners and provide inspiration and networking opportunities in a fun and informal way. We are always seeking sponsors, presenters, or really anyone that is a part of the technology landscape in Williamson County.

What are you waiting for? Join us today!