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Important: Nokia's new DVLUP program!

From: Randall A.
Sent on: Thursday, November 8, 2012, 10:38 AM

Ok, gang, I can FINALLY cue you in on one of the most exciting things Nokia has cooked up in some time!

DVLUP is a new "gamified" developer incentive program, where participants are presented with various enticements and challenges, with the possibility of earning all sorts of rewards.  See the website video for details!  And make sure to follow @DVLUP and @nokiadeveloper on twitter.

The program is still in beta, and currently US/Canada only.  I will have a certain number of registration codes to give away to get you in sooner, but you must also register at my personal site, (note the instructions on the home page) to qualify.

I will also be providing incentives of my own, so please register at my site ASAP and let's get rolling!


More to come!


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