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Details for 3-day 'Skate Chicago' Weekend!!

From: Kirsten
Sent on: Wednesday, September 10, 2008, 7:00 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Windy City Inline Skaters!

What: 3-day 'Skate Chicago' Weekend!!

When: September 19,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Chicago's first skate weekend!! Following the example of other city skates like the Philly Free Skate, Skate Boston or the Miami Great Esskate, we are bringing the fun to Chicago. There will be a full weekend of street skates including a Great Chicago Fire skate and a Gangster skate mapped out by long-time local Chicago skater, Tom Grosspietsch. And a Second City Improv skate led by Doug Kelly. Chicago is flat, has miles of bike lanes, interesting history, architecture, and neighborhoods. And several skate-friendly establishments too. Time to bring bigger street skates to Chicago.

Come and skate with us for this 80 mile, 3-fun filled days around downtown Chicago.

Chicago Skate Weekend is Free. For skaters from out of town, host Hotel is the Congress Plaza Hotel. Mention "Landskaters Group" for group rate. Location:
520 S Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL 60605

Rough Schedule:

Friday September 19

7:00 pm - Group Up at Daley Plaza.

7:30 pm - Great Chicago Fire Road Rave (NSP) led by Tom. 12 miles.

10:00 pm - Allstar Bar & Grill for food, drinks.

11:00 pm - Dark Knight Skate (not NSP) led by Tom. (See the movie.) Meet up at AllStar Bar & Grill. 15 miles.

Saturday September 20

10:00 am - Gangster Skate (not NSP) led by Tom. Meet up at Congress Plaza Hotel. 15 miles.

12:00 noon - Lunch on Navy Pier.

2:30 pm - Second City Improv Skate (not NSP) led by Christophe. Meet up at Congress Plaza Hotel.

7:00 pm - Chicago-Style Deep Dish Pizza.
Then on to Viagra Triangle for dancing, drinks, etc.

Sunday September 21

10:00 am - Architecture Skate (not NSP) led by Tom. Meet up at Congress Plaza Hotel. 10 miles.

1:00 pm - Lunch at The Plaza at Park Grill, Millenium Park.

This will be an intermediate to advanced street skate.
Skaters are expected to sign waivers, wear helmets of course, stop at red lights, and skate with traffic on one-way streets.

Learn more here:

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