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Building Delightful Distributed Apps with Dapr

Photo of Jason Von Ruden
Hosted By
Jason Von R.


Topic : Building Delightful Distributed Apps with Dapr

Distributed applications are complicated. There are so many moving parts that it's hard to keep track of them all. Additionally, modern cloud architectures have many cloud-based dependencies, which are difficult to maintain for local development. Day-to-day work can be a real hassle.
The Distributed Application Runtime, aka Dapr, makes your life easier. With Dapr, you can build against an environment that runs great on your local machine or in the cloud. It abstracts away all those pesky cloud dependencies, so you have ultimate portability. It supports all your favorite programming languages and whatever cloud provider you're into (even if that cloud provider is your own data center).
This presentation will teach you how to use Dapr to simplify service development. You'll learn how to set up Dapr locally and how to use it with your deployed applications. After this talk, you'll be ready to make your life easier with Dapr.

Presenter: Dustin Ewers

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