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Sunday's cookout- things we still need and $5 reminder- PLEASE READ

From: LTandCG
Sent on: Saturday, September 4, 2010, 10:07 AM
Here's the latest and greatest. We still need:
bag of charcoal (1)
bags of ice (a lot)
hot dog toppings (relish/onions/etc) (1-2)
sliced lettuce/tomato/onions for burgers (2-3)
fruit or fruit salad (1)
regular salad/dressing (1)
potato salad (1)

***If you are bringing something that needs to be "served", please don't forget a serving spoon/knife, whatever.

PLEASE let us know if you are able to bring any of these things so that we can figure out what we will need tomorrow.

***Please don't forget your $5 to cover the cost of the pavillion. Any extra money will go into a pot for prizes.

Feel free to bring lawn/sack chairs, games, frisbees, etc.. It's going to be a beautiful day! We are really looking forward to it!

Lindsay and Cheryl

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