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Thursday Women's Meditation Resumes Next Week! Same time, same place :)

From: user 8.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 5:38 PM
Hello Everyone,

My autumn sabbatical is nearing an end and I am excited to resume our meditation group again! I gave some thought to shifting the time and day, but alas, it will remain at 1:30pm on Thursdays... :)

I am looking forward to sharing meditation with you all next week!

I'll probably say more about this in the coming weeks, but I encourage each of you to make time for your own sabbaticals from time to time...retreats from the routines you normally carry out, rest periods from work or even from hobbies or things you love to do. It is wonderful to gain a fresh perspective and a deeper appreciation for the details and experiences of our lives.

I hope to see you next Thursday!


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