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Re: [paddling-33] Something to Consider

From: Tyler
Sent on: Monday, April 30, 2012, 11:26 PM
Thanks for the reminder. I usually use a bailer, I have a canoe. But I saw pumps in action at a meetup last year and I want one. I'll do that soon. Thanks.

On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 8:22 AM, Mike Lopez <[address removed]> wrote:
Thanks very good advise i have never carry a pump but i will now... few extra thigs i do carry :been an hiker/backpacker is first aid kid, flashlite cz u never know, my seat is a float water proof bags for my cell wallet a knife  mosquito and sun screen, water few snacks..... plus few xtra thing that i may never use but if i go for few hrs of kayack to lage bodys of water you never know when you can get lost returning back on the dark ...but thats me and i know is few xtra lbs but thats how i do it.-----Original Message-----
From: Larry <[address removed]>
To: paddling-33 <[address removed]>
Sent: Sun, Apr 29,[masked]:13 pm
Subject: Re: [paddling-33] Something to Consider

I always have a pump with me and strapped to my kayak. I have used it a few times when getting swamped from power boaters, but never for flipping. A paddle friend of mine urged me to get one years ago and I always have it on my boat with me and in my bag of paddle gear. You should to.


On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 10:29 AM, Nancy <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi everyone,
At a recent meetup it became apparent that no one had anything with them to use as a means of emptying water from their kayak; no pump or bailer of any sort.  This surprised me!  It's a very basic safety item that you should consider carrying with you at all times.  (Of course, I should talk, not having had a pump with me either!)  A rogue wave or boat wake can put enough water into your kayak to make it unstable or make you cold as your lower body sits in the water.  If you don't want to spend the money on a pump, at the very least, you can make a bailer out of a plastic container (detergent bottle, clorox bottle, etc).  Just keep the screw top and cut the bottom off. Containers with a handle are best.  The nice thing about the store-bought pumps is that they are easily stored under your deck lines and they float in an upright position.
It's interesting that our laws only require a whistle and PFD, while in Canada they require a PFD, whistle, bailer and tow line.  Whistles can be virtually useless when it is really windy, but a bailer can be a lifesaver if you take on too much water.    If you come out of your kayak and need to re-enter it, you might not be able to empty all the water out and you will most definitely need a pump/bailer.  A paddle float should also be on your list of things to consider bringing along, but you need to learn how to use it. A lot of recreational kayakers do not consider or think that they will need these things, but when you do, you really do and you cannot necessarily count on others to have these items.

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