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Re: [WordPress-Brisbane] First impressions of 4.0

From: Michelle P.
Sent on: Thursday, September 11, 2014, 1:28 PM
Hi Gal, thanks for that. Is it better to update the plugins before installing the WP upgrade, or visa versa? Thanks Michelle

Michelle Pavel
Business Efficiency & Online Advertising Specialist for Local Businesses
I will show you how to save money, improve operations, and increase sales - ideas for finding new profit opportunities through operational improvements and business systems
local marketing - online marketing -  lead generation - PPL - business systems - operational improvements 

On 10 September[masked]:21, Gal Baras <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi guys,


If you've installed WP 4.0, what's your first impression?  In particular, did it break anything?


If you still haven't, here's a preview of what's in this release.  Also, I encourage you to wait for plugins and themes to be compatible and receive a definitive "working" rating before applying them and then upgrading WordPress.








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