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Re: [WordPress-Brisbane] Wordpress Management Tools

From: Clark M.
Sent on: Friday, May 1, 2015, 12:12 PM
Hi Gal,

I tried sync... but I really like the "one click" to access my WP instals. With sync you still have to click through the wp-login screen. 

So much stuff to test! haha

Clark Marshall
Production Manager
Blue Dog Digital Marketing

On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 12:03 PM, Gal Baras <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi Fiona,


I've used InfiniteWP for a while and although it's low cost and I have a great relationship with the support team, if I had to choose today, I'd go with iThemes Sync.  I use IWP for software updates and wanted to use it for backing up, cloning and migrating sites, but have had more failures than I could take, so now I use BackupBuddy everywhere, which makes Sync a much better option, especially since I already use iThemes Security everywhere too.


I've just had a look a Sync has a free plan for 10 sites and very reasonable pricing for more.  Personally, I wouldn't need the Pro version, which adds administration functions to the basic site maintenance functions.


In fact, now that you've asked the question, I might give it a try.  If anyone in the group can comment on Sync, that would be awesome.


I hope this helps,




From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Pete
Sent: Friday, 1 May[masked]:50 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [WordPress-Brisbane] Wordpress Management Tools


I have ever only used InfiniteWP <> with the FREE version

good for updating all plugins, themes etc from my desktop.

So far works ok


Backups etc I do using separate plugins



> On 01-May-15 11:35:40 AM, Fiona Alvis ([address removed]) wrote:
> > Hi All,
> Do you use or have had experience with any Wordpress management tools, to help you look after your client 19s Wordpress sites?

> I 19ve been looking at reviews of ManageWP <>, InfiniteWP <> and MainWP <>.  So far most of the reviews have been pretty positive.  The only negative comments I 19ve seen is about backup 19s failing occassionally for some websites using InfiniteWP and MainWP, and the pricing models of ManageWP and InfiniteWP can be on the expensive side.

> Any real user experiences would be appreciated.
> Many thanks.

> Cheers,

> fiona alvis
> creative director and founder
>  <>
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> email [address removed] <mailto:[address removed]>  |  website <>

> address level 9, 167 eagle street, brisbane qld 4000  |  post po box 2092, ascot qld 4007

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