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Re: [WordPress-Brisbane] wp-cron.php, loopback and other $%^# we have to deal with (advanced)

From: Dion H.
Sent on: Monday, August 17, 2015, 4:33 PM
On 17 August 2015 at 16:22, Gal Baras <[address removed]> wrote:

The shortest interval I can use is 15 minutes.  Is this going to affect my backups, which are split?  Do I need to change any BackupBuddy setting for this to work (like set it to classic mode)?

Realistically 15 minutes is fine, and I wouldn't think it would need to be run more often most of the time - unless you have mission-critical things you need to run at the exact minute scheduled (scheduled posts for example) running the cron a little rarer is fine.

Any thoughts on loopback errors?

Unfortunately I don't have any insights to share there honestly. Either they work, or they don't, and if they don't, it's usually some server configuration that is different every time.

Also, InfiniteWP works OK-ish using curl, but their preferred method, fsock, is hopeless.  Does this point you in any useful direction?

That suggests that there may be something fishy in the networking setup for the server; but they've got two methods for a reason, socket operations don't work under all server environments and more often than not it's not worth trying to fix it.

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