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What we’re about

This meetup group is designed for mothers who are working part-time, full-time, or stay-at-home.  We offer a variety of options for meetup days, times, and locations to access the diverse group of women who are a part of this group and their demanding schedules.

Our groups offer a wide range of activities, and are focused on building a strong support system for moms in the Chicago area!

It is not easy being a mother.  Whether you have a full-time job, or are a full-time stay-at-home mom, the daily demands are exhausting!! We are here to build each other up, be empathic towards each other's experiences, and create friendships amongst our children.

Some meetups are just for us, so we can unwind and debrief from the constant demands we have as parents.

Any meetup suggestions you have please feel free to post them.  Also communicate your time restraints so we can ensure that you have access to our groups!

I look forward to meeting you and your little one(s)! Thanks for joining :)