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May 7: Apartment Composting Tour -- Without Worms!

From: Rhys
Sent on: Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 8:01 PM
What: Apartment Composting Tour -- Without Worms!

When: May 7,[masked]:00 PM

RSVP here:

Meetup Description: You asked for composting tours and we delivered... visit a DC apartment to see how Wendy, a CarbonfreeDC member, composts using a "Bokashi bin"! This is a great solution for apartment dwellers who don't want to compost with worms (want worms? RSVP for our tour on April 22)

This composting set-up involves two Bokashi compost bins that are kept inside in the kitchen pantry, a small plastic container under the kitchen sink for initial collection of food scraps, and two clay pots in a small backyard for breaking down the cured contents of the Bokashi bins.

A note from Wendy: "I have been using the Bokashi system for a year now after my mother introduced me to it in Australia. While the colder winters in DC slow the curing process, using a Bokashi bin is easy and you don't have to worry about upkeep all of the time which is great for me when I travel."

Learn more and RSVP here:

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