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What we’re about

Saturday mornings once a month. usually on the 2nd Saturday but check for alterations

Fun laughter exercise sessions for men and women of all ages, using the power of laughter to relax, de-stress, uplift our spirits and re-connect with our inner playfulness. Laughter exercises create feelgood endorphins and other positive changes to our physical and mental health and wellbeing. No previous experience is needed and each session is complete in itself.

NOT a comedy club or a yoga class, we do laughing exercises (known as laughter yoga) to promote unconditional and contagious laughter.  We combine laughter with simple physical movements or mimed actions. With a willingness to be playful and group interaction, the laughter which starts as fake quickly becomes real, contagious, and great fun. However, our bodies don't know the difference between false and real laughter, so we get the delivery of feel-good brain chemicals and start to feel great regardless of whether we are faking it or not! Some of the laughing exercises involve some simple basic movements but can be adapted to any level of health and fitness and if preferred can be done seated the whole time.

Never before has it been more important to look after our physical, mental, emotional and psychological health. Laughter yoga creates positive changes in our brain and body chemistry helping us to keep happy and healthy. The release of endorphins lift mood, creating feelings of happiness, positivity and confidence. Laughter yoga makes us relaxed yet energised while exercising our hearts, boosting our immune systems and creating natural pain-killes.  
In normal life we tend to laugh only briefly and intermittently but we need to laugh heartily for at last 10 minutes for our bodies to reap the rewards. In a laughter session we get the chance to laugh heartily for an extended period of time, giving us all the above benefits.

You will need to wear comfortable clothing and please bear in mind that laughter like exercise can make us feel very warm.

Half-price concession for full-time students or benefits-only income

Although laughter is very good for us, in some instances we may need to exercise caution or even abstain altogether. Please read the list of contraindications and cautions at the bottom, and contact me if in any doubt. If you have any other medical condition not listed but which may limit your ability to participate in any way, please contact me to discuss.

Horizon Room
Broadwater Baptist Church
Dominion Road
BN14 8JL

Parking: Ample car park behind church.
Wear: Loose-fitting comfortable clothing for moving around and stretching
Comfort: Laughter like exercise can make you feel warm so removable layers best
Bring: A blanket for 15 mins lying down laughter and relaxation at end. The floor is carpetted but can be cold so thin yoga mats are not so good as a blanket
Once inside the building: The Horizon Room is past the kitchen area and the sign for the Jack-In-The-Box playgroup.

If you would like an online or in-person laughter session for your group, club or team , please contact me. I have been run many sessions for groups of all kinds including schools, hospitals, health and social support groups, staff training and wellbeing days, festivals, awareness days, and corporate events. These bespoke sessions can be tailored specifically for the requirements of the group taking into account the group's size and identity. Laughter yoga brings wellbeing, mood upliftment, exercise and connection and works as well online as in-person.

I am a qualified Laughter Yoga Teacher and run Certified Laughter Leader Training weekends. Spread happiness and laughter in your own community, run a laughter, club, use laughter within your own work or simply come along for a fun-filled weekend with like minded others as a gift to yourself for your own personal growth and well-being.

Training dates and venues for 2024:
In-person laughter leader training coming shortly for Autumn
Sar 19th/Sun Oct at The Green Door Centre, A259 Main Road, Bosham, Chichester
10mins walk from Bosham Station
£195 earlybird; £250 thereafter
Contact me for further information

Any kind of hernia
Heart disease with angina pain
Persistent cough with breathlessness
Incontinence of urine; epilepsy;
Advanced bleeding hemorrhoids (piles)
Any bleeding tendencies in any part of the body
Severe backache
Any acute symptoms of cough, cold or fever
Any major surgery within the last 3 month
Being under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs.


Those suffering from heart disease and high blood pressure but are stable on medication and can take a brisk walk for 30 minutes without any symptoms can do Laughter Yoga with advice from medical specialists. People who have undergone bypass surgery can also do Laughter Yoga after their stress test is normal.

Pregnancy is also a relative contra-indication. Woman with a previous history of miscarriages and also those who are in advanced stage of pregnancy should take medical advice from specialists before doing laughter exercises.

Mental health
People suffering from minor and major psychiatric disorders can participate in a laughter session except those who are not in touch with reality eg schizophrenia and hypermania (manic part of bipolar disorder).

Disclaimer ref medication
Anyone undergoing physical-prescribed medicine or therapy that experiences improvements through laughter should seek the advice of their doctor before reducing dosage or stopping treatment.

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