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What we’re about

This MeetUp site is intended to share info about RACCC, and to encourage interested paddlers in the Ottawa area to join the RACCC.

Note: Go to official membership page, to join the RACCC ! Then....come paddle with us!

Ottawa is in the middle of canoeing paradise! Beautiful parks like Gatineau, Algonquin, La Verendrye, Frontenac, Mattawa and Bon Echo as well as the Ottawa, Madawaska, Petawawa, Rideau Rivers (and many other) are all within a short drive. Come and explore these and other wonderful wilderness areas with us!

The RACCC has over 300 members of all ages and skill levels collaboratively host hundreds of trips, training and social events during the paddling season and throughout the year! RACCC trips and training are for beginners through advanced paddlers interested in flatwater (lake) or whitewater (river) paddling. Last year, we held 250 club events!

The RA Canoe Camping Club (RACCC) has a legacy of canoe tripping expertise! Friendship, volunteerism, safety, environmentally friendly camping and car pooling have been RACCC hallmarks since 1952.

RACCC is volunteer run, providing club members with the opportunity to be involved in all aspects of the club, to learn new skills as well as meet many other canoeists and outdoor enthusiasts. We run co-operative trips where everyone gets involved which allows us to keep costs down. Club members enjoy a range of relaxed evening paddles, day trips and weekends to extended wilderness expeditions.

RACCC membership provides access to:

    • Club Trips, Training and Social Events (during the paddling season and throughout the year)

    • Canoe and Camping Equipment (This includes our fleet of whitewater, flatwater canoes and touring kayaks)

Full access to to view:

    • Calendar of events: Trips, Training and Social Events (year round!)

    • Trip Reports posted by Club Members

    • RACCC Handbook (Club Procedures, Safety and Canoe Camping Tips, and more)

    • Safety tips

    • Contact List for Club members and potential paddling partners

    • List of RACCC Qualified White Water Paddlers (meeting club criteria)

    • Discussion Forums

    Member discounts

    • Volunteer opportunities!

Does this sound like the right club for you?
Click here for more information about joining the RACCC or email

**Please note that this meetup site is not used for all regular club events - for member access to full calendar via

Come paddle with us in the Ottawa Ontario, Quebec...and beyond!