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Workshop: How to avoid strategic mistakes at the early startup phase

From: Einat M.
Sent on: Saturday, July 10, 2010, 1:20 PM

cid:[address removed]


" If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!" Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll.


As startups are established, the entrepreneurs run as fast as they can in order to achieve the desired success.

Consequentially, sometimes this rush in early stages, might lead to irreversible strategic mistakes.

Come join us on Sunday, August 1st 2010, 6:00pm for a Business Strategy Workshop where we will learn about the Business Strategy Principals

and how they were demonstrated by some of the most renown companies in the world.

We will then learn how these principals can be implemented in the early startup phase,

and what YOU, as company leader, should do in order to avoid strategic mistakes and seek for a winning strategy.


"There are infinitely many 'how to do' tools in management. 

But the real problem is,  "what to do".  

Companies fail not because they do the right things the wrong way. 

They fail because they do the wrong things the right way."

Peter Drucker,  The Theory of Business (1994)


The workshop will be conducted by Mr. Yair Snir, a lecturer at the joint MBA program of the Wharton School of Business and the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), where he is guiding strategy and management consulting practice. His full bio is detailed below.

This is a unique opportunity to gain access to the business curriculum of one of the most distinguished MBA programs in the world.


Yair Snir

Mr. Yair Snir is a corporate strategy professional currently working in ECI as a director of corporate strategy. Prior to that, he was a business strategy consultant most of the time with Rotem Strategy, a leading Israeli strategy consulting firm. Mr. Snir has extensive experience in strategy formulation and implementation for leading Israeli firms across a wide range of industries. Earlier in his career path, Mr. Snir had worked in the Bio-tech and Hi-tech industries, where he established and managed R&D groups, wrote patents and published scientific papers.

Mr. Snir is a project faculty at the Global Consulting Practicum (GCP)- a joint MBA program of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya, guiding strategy and management consulting practice.

Mr. Snir holds a B.Sc in Computer Science and Computational Biology from the Hebrew University, Jerusalem and an MBA from the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya.




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