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A few Events and Programs to bring to your attention

From: Einat M.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 15, 2012, 11:06 PM

Hi all,


We want to bring to your attention the following programs and events, which are to take place soon, and extended a concrete offer to Yazamiyot members to participate:

1.       Invitation to apply to the Kellogg-Recanati Entrepreneurship Community (KREC) and to participate in its pitch night. Applications are due by March 7th. Adina Enden, a member of Yazamiyot, is leading the program and is particularly welcoming Yazamiyot members to apply.

2.       DreamIt (Accelerator) Launch Event on Wednesday, Feb 22nd, 6:00pm – 9:00pm. Event will take place in the presence of the US accelerator team which is visiting in Israel. Please use promotion code: HFE to register.

3.       A conference by Hamitham on Tuesday, Feb 21st, 4:00pm – 7:00pm. The conference will focus on: crucial mistakes by entrepreneurs and how to avoid them (more below and here)


Please see below for a detailed description of each.



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Kellogg-Recanati Entrepreneurship Community (KREC) is a new entrepreneurship community founded by Kellogg Recanati alumni.

KREC boosts the early success of promising high-tech ventures through personalized mentoring from industry leaders, specialized workshops,

targeted funding opportunities and open doors to infinite opportunities that only a leading international business network can offer.

After the success of our first pitch round, the coming KREC application phase is open  for our next Pitch night .

All applications are due by March 7th for the pitch night at the beginning of April.

If you have a great initiative, and you are at the early stage of pre-seed with a well-built concept - you are invited to apply.

We are especially welcoming Yazamiot to join this unique opportunity.

For detailed information and for . 

To join our community please join




DreamIt Israel Launch

Your Startup's Ticket to the US and Global Markets


Wednesday February 22: 18:00 ~ 21:00 @ Afeka College


DreamIt Israel (Israel-US Startup Accelerator) invites you to a special evening with guest speakers including:


Tim Draper

Founder and a Managing Director of Draper Fisher Jurvetson

(by live video conference)


Josh Kopelman

Managing Partner of First Round Capital, Founder of, and founder of the Kopelman Foundation

(by live video conference)


Kerry Rupp

Managing Partner of DreamIt Ventures


and a chance to Meet the DreamIt Team


Event Registration:

(Space is limited, so please register early.)

Entrepreneurs: Apply by Feb/20 for a chance to pitch DreamIt in person during that week:




DreamIt Israel Program Description

DreamIt Israel is a unique 6-month program for Israeli startups which gives the startups access to the US and Global Markets. The first month takes place in Israel and is followed by the Israeli companies becoming part of DreamIt NYC (a three-month program in New York City).  DreamIt catapults early stage ventures forward by providing startups all the resources they need to succeed in a compressed period of time. DreamIt provides startups mentorship, guidance, up to a $25,000 stipend, communal office space where entrepreneurs are surrounded by other entrepreneurs building their businesses, and access to early stage capital.   The program culminates on Demo Day when the companies present their businesses to investors, strategic partners, professionals and other entrepreneurs.

After the Demo Day in NYC, the companies will return to Israel where there will be a second Demo Day in Israel for investors and up to 2 months of workspace provided for the startups in Israel.

DreamIt has accelerated companies such as: SCVNGR, SeatGeek, Take the Interview, CloudMine, Notehall, SupplyHog, Adaptly, and 57 others.


Five Israeli startups are to be chosen for the first program. For more information and to apply for DreamIt Israel visit:


Mitchell Golner • Managing Partner, DreamIt Ventures Israel • [masked] • [address removed] •


Follow us on Facebook:        DreamIt Israel

LinkedIn:                                             Mitchell Golner

Twitter:                                                           mgolner





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