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Israel Innovation Marathon - Seeking Women Pitchers

From: Ruthy K.
Sent on: Monday, February 20, 2012, 11:05 PM


The Israel Innovation Marathon is providing a global platform for you to pitch in front of major foreign investors who are looking for new Israeli technology

 6 days left to apply and be chosen as one of the top 20 innnovative companies to pitch to International FB, Skype and Spotify investors.

Participate in the first Israeli start-up event seeking to promote women and minority led start-ups!

Are you a woman entrepreneur leading an Israeli start-up seeking an additional round of funding to further expand your technology or product?

BootcampVentures is providing a rare opportunity for 20 lucky start-ups to pitch in front of top investors from 13 countries, visionaries who were amongst the first investors of Facebook and Skype, and seek new discoveries at the 2012 Innovation Marathon.

Participants will also benefit from valuable networking sessions, including face-to-face interactions with over 150 attending industry leaders and key tech media from around the world.


Registration closes on February 26th.

Don’t miss the chance to meet and pitch to the world’s top investors.

To apply, email for more information: 

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