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New Meetup: Chakra Meditation Class

From: Kshemi
Sent on: Saturday, July 24, 2010, 9:02 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Yoga Center Special Events Group - Costa Mesa!

What: Chakra Meditation Series

Starting: Tuesday, August 3,[masked]:00 PM for 4 weeks

Where: The Yoga Center Of California
445 E. 17th Street Suite I
Costa Mesa, CA 92627

Enjoy a 4-week class on how you can have stronger, more peaceful meditations by opening your chakras.

As you do these simple chakra opening techniques, your mind will become calmer, your emotions more tranquil, and you'll find that it's easier than ever to let go of old, unwanted habits.

Whether you're a beginner or advanced student, these classes will help you have deeper meditations as well as greater joy, power and creativity in your daily life experiences.

Class is from 6pm to 6:50pm

Cost for the series is only $49. If you're already enrolled in Yoga Center classes with unlimited monthly membership, there is no extra charge.

Register now to reserve a spot. Call[masked] to sign up for the series or for more information.

You can also register online at our website.

Click here to visit our website There are also first time sign up specials (for regular membership) listed on the web site.

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