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New Meeting: Last Minute Hike to Höchhand

From: Sven
Sent on: Monday, April 28, 2008, 10:26 PM
Announcing a new meeting for Zurich Hike & Outdoor!

What: Last Minute Hike to H?chhand

When: Sunday, May 4, 9:00 AM

Where: (A location for this meeting hasn't been chosen yet)

Who should come: Anyone staying in Z?rich for this "long" weekend and is frustrated with not enjoying the sun as they should be...

Why: Enjoy the upcoming sun....

Meeting Description: Hi to everybody,

Last weekend was really a bummer.... no hike planned and the sun laughing you like a mad man in the rain (who sang that phrase?) Since there is a lot of enthusiasm shown to go hiking and the sun is coming out, lets do something on this weekend Sunday the 4th of March.

Since there is still snow left in the deep mountains, lets stay in Kanton Z?rich. I propose to go hiking to "H?chhand".

We will start walking on the Z?rcher "Mountain" Klinik in Faltiberg, 900 meter above Seelevel and hike via Schwarzenberg to H?chhand, a mountain about 1300 meters high. We will rest and eat there a good picknick. Then we will go with destination Wald through T?ssstock, H?ttschopf and Brandegg. Alternative might be going to Steg.

The total hike is about 15 km and about 5 hours walk.

I'll post later some more info on when to meet and some more details on the hike. We will probably meet around 9 am on ZH HB and take the S5 to R?ti ZH. You can get a 9 O?clock ticket for the whole Kanton Z?rich, which is much cheaper.

Please be aware that this might depend on the weather, so please check the status of this event the day before.

All the best,


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