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New Meetup: Melchsee-Frutt - Jochpass

From: Sven
Sent on: Monday, September 28, 2009, 11:54 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Zurich Hike & Outdoor!

What: Melchsee-Frutt - Jochpass

When: October 4,[masked]:45 AM

Z?rich HB
in front of Ticket counter, underneath the big weird angel hanging from the ceiling

Hi everyone,

We are in the midst of the hiking season and to expand our great hiking offers for this month of October, lets do this Sunday 4th of October another great one... from Melchsee - Frutt to Jochpass/Tr?bsee (near Titlis and Engelberg).

This is a beautifull hike I did some while ago and would like to repeat. We will pass many lakes and always surrounded by beautifull mountains. Since it is a skiing area in winter, some lifts are open for us to go down more comfortable. Even a nice restaurant will be expected at the Jochpass at 2200 meters high (we start from around 1950 meters high).

The hike is about 4 hours long, going up (and down) about 450 meters (unless we decide not to take the lift).

I will buy a groupticket for 25 people (might adjust the number if I see more people are coming). For now, please answer the two questions when you signed up with a "Yes" and "Maybe" ( don't need to answer if you are not coming, even though the systems asks you to do that). Basically I need to know if a) you have a Halbtax, GA or none, and b) if you are joining us from Z?rich HB (since groupticket is only valid from there). Please remember that if you intend to return earlier or split from the group, you will have to have your own ticket).

We will meet at 8:45 am under the big, weird angel from the Z?rich HB. From there, we will take the transportation as followed:

Z?rich HB ab 09:04 IR 2319
Luzern an 09:49

Luzern ab 09:55 IR 2218
Sarnen an 10:18

Sarnen, Bahnhof ab 10:43 BUS 25
St?ckalp an 11:16

St?ckalp SMF-lsm ab 11:18 Gondola
Duration: 2:12 hrs. (without the gondola)

To bring along:

- rain/wind/sun protection (clothes, sunglasses, cream, etc)
- Water (min. 1 liter recommended)
- Food (Sandwich, Snacks, etc)
- Hiking poles recommended
- Hiking shoes (tennis-shoes at own risk)
- Some money in case we need to buy lift tickets or so

Due to unexpected climate changes, please check the status of this hike the night before the event.

That is all for now. Hopefully you can make it!


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