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What we’re about

***Please note: this is NOT a group for drug consumption! There will be no consumption of substances at any point during our meetings!***
Have you had a bizarre, challenging, confusing, or enlightening experience with psychedelics? Did you realize something major while tripping, but maybe you're struggling to integrate your realization into your daily life? Are you longing for people to share your experience with, a community to support you in your growth?
This group is for people interested in entheogens & the transformation they inspire. We have two "types" of meeting: the Integration Circle & the Social Gathering. 
Integration Circles: Once a month we meet for a facilitated integration circle--a gathering to discuss our Big Experiences within a supportive, non-judgemental environment. The circles are designed to help us more deeply embody the lessons of our psychedelic trips. Through hearing each others stories & sharing our own, we can begin to understand some of the "high weirdness" encountered through entheogens. These circles are for anyone with any level of experience. 
Social Gathering: To facilitate community, friendship, & the sharing of knowledge with "the others" (that is, other folks who have come out of the psychedelic closet), we meet once a month for a happy hour. There will be no facilitation of these exchanges--the purpose is simply to meet like-minded people & perhaps share tips, tricks, or experience-based information. 
The circles will be facilitated by Gestalt-therapist-in-training, Stephano, Jungian-analyst-in-training, Mackenzie, or Internal Family Systems and PAT facilitator Valentina. We are highly committed to the use of psychedelics in transformation and healing, and have a lot of experience with a whole gamut of human experience, including the darkness which psychedelics can sometimes unlock.