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Curry-on Prague

From: Bartosz B.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 2, 2015, 12:14 AM
Hello Everyone,

I got contacted by Heather Miller about a conference on programming languages organized in Prague. Here is a short summary:

Very international new non-profit conference on programming languages (emerging & well-known), and emerging challenges in industry (big data, privacy).

Polyglot lineup of speakers: creators of popular languages like C++ and JavaScript, co-designer of Haskell, designers of new languages like Julia, Elm, and Rust, author of the HotSpot optimizing compiler, as well as leaders from Scala and Clojure.

July 6-7th in Prague, Euro 600 (good for all of Curry On, ECOOP, and other co-located events for the entire week). Speaker lineup:

DEADLINES: June 6 for early registration, June 5 for diversity scholarships

From my side, I will just recommend to book some more time for some sightseeing, as Prague is a beautiful city!


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